This Web bulletin is intended only for the guidance of those seeking admission to IIJNM, and for guidance of its students and faculty. However, the bulletin is not intended to be and should not be regarded as a contract between the Institute and any student or any other person.
According to Institute regulations, each person whose registration has been fully completed will be regarded as a student during the term for which he or she is registered. The Institute reserves the right to withhold the privilege of registration or any other Institute privilege from any other person with an unpaid debt to the Institute.
If a student is absent during a semester for more than 10 days, he or she may not qualify for graduation. Every student is required to successfully complete the required number course credits for the postgraduate diploma (PGD) programs. Only the Executive Committee of IIJNM can grant exemptions to these conditions.
The Institute sets aside certain days as religious and national holidays. If any student whose religious beliefs require the observance of a holiday on an otherwise working day, the student may inform the adviser accordingly. The official holidays of IIJNM may not fully coincide or conform to the holidays observed by government employees or other institutions in the State of Karnataka.
The continuance of each student on the rolls of the Institute, the receipt of academic credits, graduation, and the conferring of any diploma or degree or the granting of any certificate or award are strictly subject to the disciplinary powers of the Institute. Any violation of the rules of the Institute by any person may result in disciplinary action. The decision of the Executive Committee of the Institute is final in all disciplinary, academic and administrative matters.
As a great center of learning, IIJNM prides itself on being a community committed to free and open discourse and to tolerance of differing views. We take pride, too, in preparing the leaders of our society and exemplifying the values we hope they will uphold. These commitments are sometimes subverted by intolerance, bigotry and harassment. Even in recent history, we must recognize that gender, religion, caste, disability and other differences have all occasionally brought about attacks by the ignorant, the foolish, the sick and the evil. We have also witnessed sexual harassment of women in our society. As a community, we are committed to the principle that individuals are to be treated as human beings rather than dehumanized by discriminatory treatment. The Institute resolutely condemns conduct that makes such targets of our differences.
IIJNM admits students of any gender, race, religion, caste, nationality and ethnic origin or age. All admissions are based on merit and considerations of diversity to create a vibrant student body and staff.
Any complaint or grievance should be brought to the attention of the Vice-Dean for Administration and/or Student Affairs.
Security measures are implemented to ensure the safest environment within the campus, dormitories and the surrounding area. However, it is the responsibility of every individual to take prudent measures to ensure personal safety. All students are advised to move about in groups when outside the college facilities, especially at night.