Reuters has a strong bureau in Bengaluru: Robin Paxton
Reuters has a strong bureau in Bengaluru that has broken important stories, Robin Paxton, chief of the bureau, said in a pre-placement talk to IIJNM students on Monday, March 9, 2020.
Paxton showed a map of the world to highlight the vast coverage of Reuters, and asked the students if they could identify the uncovered areas. When the students said North Korea, Iran and Mongolia were not covered, he explained the reasons.
“Though we do not have a bureau in Teheran, we have a bureau covering the country outside Iran, composed of Iranians…. We do not have a bureau in Mongolia as no major news happens there. We send our Beijing correspondents to cover Mongolia news, if any.”
He shared amusing information – like Paul Reuter, the founder of Reuters, used pigeons to transmit data from stock exchanges in 1851.
Later, IIJNM alumnus Arpan Varghese (2009-10 batch) said Reuters offices are gender-balanced; they have an almost equal strength of men and women.
He showed a pie chart representing the male-to-female ratio among Reuters employees, and said the organization has people from different backgrounds.
Training at Reuters never stops; the employees learn constantly, he shared.
“I had no background in economics and finance when I started my career. But now I am a Commodities and Energy Correspondent for Reuters. So you can imagine the amount of training that is given.”
The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session. The students sought information about the Reuters recruitment process and the training it provides.